The Top 5 Things People With Anxiety Disorders Hate to Hear From Other People

The Top 5 Things People With Anxiety Disorders Hate to Hear From Other People

People mean well. They really do. But sometimes the most well intentioned comment can leave us reeling. Anxiety can be all-encompassing. It affects our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Anxiety is different for everyone. But someone with an anxiety disorder feels overwhelming intense emotions at times that interfere with their daily living. 

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: What is EMDR?

If you’ve ever seen a demonstration or heard somebody describe the desensitization phase of a specific psychotherapy, you may have found it more than curious.

“A therapist asking you to follow a stimulus back and forth in front of a patient’s face? And that is supposed to help them get over traumatic events? – What kind of hocus-pocus is that?” you may ask.

It is called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, and it has a proven scientific basis.

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What is Schizoaffective Disorder? How is It Different from Schizophrenia?

What is Schizoaffective Disorder? How is It Different from Schizophrenia?

Have you ever wondered: “What is schizoaffective disorder?”

Many people know the word “schizophrenia,” though they may have mistaken views about what it is. Yet, only some people have ever heard of schizoaffective disorder, and even fewer know what it is and how it is different from schizophrenia.

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10 Simple Things You Can Do to Relieve Anxiety

10 Simple Things You Can Do to Relieve Anxiety

Anxiety affects more people than you may imagine. Some seventy percent of adults in the United States alone report feeling stress or anxiety on a daily basis. Most, though, don’t realize how damaging chronic stress can actually be. And many are unsure of what they can do to relieve their anxiety.

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We're All Bozos on this Bus

We're All Bozos on this Bus

The truth is, we all have something.  At least that’s what I tell my patients. Not just because I want to normalize this for them, but because it’s true. Each of us falls somewhere on the spectrum of mental illness. It’s just the degree of dysfunction and impairment that our ‘something” occupies in our lives.

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